Bike News
Women's Cycling is on the rise!
Womens cycling is on the rise with over an 70% increase since 2013. The womens cycling strategy was launched with the aim to get 1 million women on their bikes, however with safety being one the main reasons stopping women riding having a safe place to store your beloved bicycle, has never been more important.
5 ways to use Asgard Shed Fixing Point Eyelets
Here at Asgard, we know that tool and storage tips go down a treat with our customers. As the age old saying goes 'Tidy shed Tidy mind'. We have created Asgard Eyelets - handy moveable fixing points for all Asgard sheds.
Which is the best bike storage for me?
Which is the best Bike Storage? Below is a breakdown of Asgard customers most highly reviewed & recommended bike sheds. If you looking for a high quality bike storage solution to keep your bikes neat, tidy, safe and secure? - read on...
You’ve bought a mobility scooter, but where will you store it?
Mobility Scooter Storage, advice and tips and tricks on keeping your scooter safe from theft
The Growing Popularity of e-Bikes
There’s an electronic version of everything nowadays, from eReaders and eBooks to e-cigarettes and e-vacuum cleaners! But have you heard of an e-Bike? Well they’re here and they’re taking the nation by storm.
Let’s Go Outside: Keeping bicycles and Outdoor Toys Safe
Did you know the UK has the worlds second highest spend per child on toys? That’s some serious cash being invested in our little people right there! And, in the age of computer games and technology, it’s no wonder that, in a push to get our kids away from the screen and into the fresh air, parents are purchasing more and more outdoor toys and games than ever before. But what to do with them all and what are the risks?
The Rise of the Electric Bike
The Rise of the Electric Bike
E-bikes are growing in popularity; after all, who wouldn’t want an extra push during the commute to work?
Asgard, Shed Picture of the Month Winner
Asgard are pleased to announce this months Shed picture of the month winner!
Peter Hunt from Boardman Bikes talks Sheds
We recently spoke to Peter Hunt, from Boardman Bikes about his Asgard shed. Here’s what he had to say.
Laura and Jason Kenny get an Asgard Shed
Team GB cyclist Laura Kenny got in touch, after seeing how well her GB teammates, Elinor Barker and Helen Scott were getting on with their own Asgard sheds…