Autumn begins on Friday, 22nd September and ends on Thursday 21st December, when it gives way to the Winter months. Whilst the Autumn period may still bring a few sunny days here and there, the opportunity to use your garden furniture gradually dwindles, as the nights become darker. You’ll also have to come to terms with the fact that depending on what you have planted in the garden, many of the vibrant summer colours may fade into Browns, Greys, and dark Greens, as the Autumn leaves scatter across the ground.
Leaving it too late to put your garden seats and tables into storage for Autumn and Winter could mean these items become damaged by the damp and cold weather. And with much more work to be done in the garden to keep everything looking tidy for the winter, your summer garden equipment needs to be kept out of the way.
Storage Units
Outside storage is a blessing, whatever size your garden is. There are storage solutions for all sizes of gardens and volumes of contents. Whether you need some serious room for toy storage or a safe dry place to protect wooden garden furniture from the winter weather, a well ventilated, weatherproof shed is a must.
Security is also another factor that’s often not taken seriously enough when putting your items into storage. Unfortunately for many, the Christmas period can be a time of turmoil, as thieves enter your winter garden and attempt to break-in to your shed; potentially stealing hundreds of pounds worth of children’s toys, garden furniture, garden tools, and many other expensive items you thought were safe under lock and key.
To cover all bases Asgard sheds are secure, weatherproof, rust-resistant, and well ventilated and come in a variety of size, ranging from the 6x3 Addition, the 7x3 Trojan, and the 7x11 Gladiator. Look at our site, we’re sure you’ll find something suitable for your winter storage needs.
Garden Ideas
Once your garden has been cleared of tables, chairs, and toys there may be little left in your garden, apart from a sturdy garden bench that can still be used, once the snow has covered everything in sight, it’s time do some gardening.
If you’ve had the foresight to use evergreen shrubs in your planters and borders, you’ll know that these low maintenance decorative plants, such as Daphne look great all year round. Daphne will also flower during the winter. Of course, if you haven’t had the prudence to plant things that stay alive during winter, you’ll have some preparation to do for next spring.
- - Water your plants and flowering shrubs in the Autumn; this will help them survive the winter.
- - When the ground has frozen hard, cut your plants back to 3 inches. Mulching will also help to improve the soil around the plants.
- - Planning on putting in a new flower bed next spring? Cover the area now with mulch or plastic sheeting to prevent emergent growth when the ground begins to warm up in the spring.
- - In preparation for heavy snowfall, cover Pachysandra with a mulch.
- - Move Chrysanthemums that have been potted to a sheltered area when the flowers begin to fade. Water them well and cover them with a thick layer of straw.
- - When a frost attacks the leaves of Dahlias, Gladioli, and Cannas, you should carefully dig them up. Once dug up, let them dry indoors on something like a newspaper, which might take a few days.
Herb Gardens
Do you have a herb garden? You might be pleased to hear that many well-known herbs are sturdy enough to last throughout the winter. Some great herbs for the winter months are as follows.
- - Rosemary.
- - Parsley (will hide underground in the cold, but will keep growing).
- - Thyme.
- - Mint.
- - Winter Savory.
- - Basil
Autumn Leaves
You’ll no doubt want to rake up the fallen Autumn leaves, so you can clearly see the ground beneath you, not to mention avoid getting wet leaves stuck to everything that passes through your garden. Many people choose to throw these leaves in a garden waste bag and let the refuse collectors come and take them away on collection day.
Another option for your leaves, for the more frugal-minded of us, is to recycle them and use them for compost, which can be stored away and used in the garden at some point in the future.
The decaying leaves create something called Leafmould, which is then used to make an invaluable soil conditioner. Put the leaves into a bin-liner, moisten them if they are dry. Pierce holes in the bag with a garden fork, tie the top loosely and stack the bags out of sight for up to two years.
Tip of the Day
Do you have a pet rabbit? Need an organic fertiliser for your garden? Look no further than your pet rabbit. Garden plants respond very well to the tiny poo pellets that come out of a rabbit. You can also add rabbit poo to your compost bin to make it extra fertile.