Advantages of a Metal Garden Shed

Are you tired of your garden tools getting rusty and cluttered? Do you need more storage space but are unsure about which type of shed to choose? You're in the right place! In this post, we'll explore the advantages of metal garden sheds and answer some common questions about them. By the end of this article, you'll have a clear understanding of why a metal shed, particularly from a reputable brand like Asgard Sheds, might be the perfect solution for your garden storage needs.

What Are the Advantages of a Metal Garden Shed?

Durability and Longevity

One of the main advantages of a metal garden shed is its durability. Unlike wooden sheds, metal sheds are resistant to rot, pests, and harsh weather conditions. This means they can last for decades with minimal maintenance, making them a cost-effective long-term investment. Asgard Sheds, for example, are made from heavy gauge steel, which ensures that they remain rust-free and maintain their structural integrity over time. With the right care, including occasional inspections and touch-ups on the paintwork, your metal shed can be a robust storage solution for years to come.


Metal sheds offer superior security compared to their wooden counterparts. The sturdy construction makes it difficult for thieves to break in, protecting your valuable tools and equipment. Asgard Sheds go a step further with integral metal bases and reinforced doors that provide enhanced security. The secure locking mechanisms and the robustness of heavy gauge steel give you peace of mind knowing that your belongings are well-protected.

Low Maintenance

Metal sheds require very little maintenance. They don't need painting, staining, or regular treatments to protect against weather and pests. A simple wash down with soapy water is often enough to keep them looking as good as new. Asgard Sheds are designed to be rust-resistant, thanks to their high-quality materials and protective coatings. This low-maintenance aspect makes them an attractive option for busy homeowners who want a hassle-free storage solution.

Fire Resistance

Another key benefit is that metal sheds are fire-resistant. This provides extra peace of mind, knowing your belongings are safer in the event of a fire. While wooden sheds can quickly become engulfed in flames, metal sheds, such as those from Asgard, provide a more fire-safe environment for storing flammable materials like petrol, paint, or chemicals. This feature is particularly important if you live in an area prone to wildfires or if you plan to store items that pose a fire hazard.

Common Questions About Metal Sheds

What Are the Disadvantages of a Metal Shed?

While metal sheds have many advantages, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Condensation: Metal sheds can suffer from condensation issues, which might lead to dampness inside. However, Asgard Sheds feature increased ventilation to minimize condensation, helping to keep your stored items dry and safe.
  • Aesthetics: Some people prefer the natural look of wood. Metal sheds can look more industrial, but modern designs, including those from Asgard, have improved their visual appeal. You can choose from various colours and finishes to match your garden's aesthetic.
  • Noise: Metal sheds can be noisier during rain or hail storms. The sound of rain hitting a metal roof can be loud, but you can address this by installing insulation or using noise-reducing materials on the roof and walls. This not only dampens the noise but also helps regulate the temperature inside the shed.

Is a Metal Shed Cheaper Than a Wooden Shed?

Generally, metal sheds are more affordable than wooden sheds. The initial cost is lower, and because they require less maintenance, the overall cost of ownership is also reduced. However, prices can vary depending on size, design, and additional features. While wooden sheds may offer a more traditional look, they often require regular maintenance, such as painting or staining, which adds to the long-term costs. Metal sheds, particularly those from Asgard, provide a budget-friendly option without compromising on durability and functionality.

Do You Need Planning Permission for a Metal Shed?

In the UK, planning permission for sheds depends on several factors, such as size, height, and location. Generally, if your shed is under 2.5 meters in height and less than 15 square meters in area, you won't need planning permission. However, it's always best to check with your local council to ensure compliance with local regulations. If your property is in a conservation area or if the shed is to be placed near a boundary, additional permissions might be required. Always verify with local authorities to avoid any legal complications.

What's the Biggest Size Shed Without a Permit?

Without needing a permit, the maximum size for a shed is typically 15 square meters. For height, the limit is usually 2.5 meters if the shed is within 2 meters of your property boundary. Always verify these limits with your local planning authority to avoid any issues. If your shed exceeds these dimensions, you may need to submit a planning application and adhere to specific guidelines regarding placement and use. Knowing the exact regulations can save you from fines and the hassle of modifying your shed post-installation.

Do Metal Sheds Need a Floor?

Metal sheds usually need a solid floor to provide stability and protect against ground moisture. You can use a concrete slab, paving slabs, or a purpose-built shed base. Asgard Sheds come with integral metal bases, ensuring a stable and secure foundation. A proper floor not only stabilizes the shed but also helps keep the contents dry and safe from ground-level dampness. Additionally, a raised floor can prevent pests and insects from entering the shed. Consider adding a moisture barrier or a layer of insulation under the floor to further protect your belongings from moisture.

How Long Will a Metal Shed Last?

With proper care, a metal shed can last for 20 years or more. High-quality materials and a good paint or coating can extend its life further. Asgard Sheds, made from heavy gauge steel and designed to be rust-resistant, are built to withstand the test of time. Regular inspections for rust and applying touch-up paint as needed will help maintain the shed's appearance and structural integrity. Investing in a metal shed with a warranty can also provide peace of mind, ensuring that you're covered in case of any manufacturing defects or premature wear and tear.

Do Metal Sheds Get Hot?

Metal sheds can get quite hot in direct sunlight due to the thermal conductivity of metal. To combat this, you can install insulation or ensure good ventilation to keep the temperature down. Asgard Sheds feature increased ventilation, which helps regulate the internal temperature and reduce heat build-up. Reflective paint or roofing materials can also help reduce heat absorption. Additionally, placing the shed in a shaded area or adding a canopy can minimize heat exposure. Proper ventilation, such as installing vents or windows, allows hot air to escape, maintaining a more comfortable temperature inside the shed.

Do You Need a Foundation for a Metal Shed?

Yes, a solid foundation is recommended for a metal shed. It provides a level surface, prevents sinking, and helps protect against moisture. A concrete slab or a well-constructed wooden base are common foundation options. Asgard Sheds come with integral metal bases, ensuring a stable and secure foundation right from the start. A good foundation not only ensures the stability of the shed but also prevents issues such as door misalignment or structural weakness. When preparing the foundation, make sure it is level and properly drained to avoid water pooling around the base of the shed, which can lead to rust and corrosion.

Do I Need My Neighbour's Permission to Build a Shed?

In most cases, you don't need your neighbour's permission to build a shed as long as it complies with local regulations regarding size and placement. However, it's always good practice to discuss your plans with them to maintain good relations. If the shed's location could impact their property, such as blocking sunlight or views, a courteous conversation can help avoid disputes. Sharing your plans and listening to any concerns can lead to mutually agreeable solutions, fostering a friendly neighbourhood atmosphere. For more detailed guidance, you can check the UK Government's Planning Portal.

Can I Put a Metal Shed Directly on the Ground?

It's not advisable to put a metal shed directly on the ground as it can lead to rust and instability. A proper foundation helps prevent these issues and prolongs the life of your shed. Direct ground contact can cause the metal to corrode over time, especially in damp or wet conditions. Using a foundation, such as a concrete slab or a wooden base, elevates the shed and provides a stable, dry platform. This also helps with drainage and keeps the interior of the shed clean and dry, protecting your stored items from moisture and dirt. Asgard Sheds come with integral metal bases, making it easier to set up a solid foundation from the start.


Metal garden sheds offer numerous advantages, including durability, security, low maintenance, and fire resistance. They are generally more affordable than wooden sheds and can last for decades with minimal upkeep. By addressing common questions and concerns, we've highlighted why a metal shed, especially from a reliable brand like Asgard, might be the perfect addition to your garden.