Metal Sheds vs Wooden Sheds vs Plastic Sheds

Why Metal Sheds Are Superior?

Are you tired of dealing with a worn-out garden shed that constantly requires repairs? Choosing the right shed material can make a significant difference in durability, maintenance, and overall satisfaction. With so many options available, it's essential to find a shed that offers the best value and longevity. In this comprehensive guide, we will compare metal sheds, wooden sheds, and plastic sheds, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. By the end of this article, you'll discover why metal sheds are the superior choice for your garden storage needs. From exceptional durability and low maintenance to cost-effectiveness and environmental benefits, metal sheds outperform their wooden and plastic counterparts in every aspect. Read on to find out why investing in a metal shed is the best decision you can make for your garden.


Metal Sheds: Built to Last

Metal sheds made from galvanised steel or aluminium are incredibly robust. They resist the elements better than wood and plastic, standing strong against heavy rain, wind, and snow, which is crucial in the British climate where rain is frequent and winters can be harsh. According to a report by the National Association of Home Builders, steel structures can last up to 100 years with proper maintenance. Asgard Storage offers metal sheds that are specifically designed to withstand the UK's harsh weather conditions. Their sheds are fully weatherproof and feature an integral metal floor that adds to their durability.

  • Weather Resistance: Metal sheds are impervious to rot, termites, and warping, common issues with wooden sheds. Unlike plastic sheds, they don't become brittle or fade over time due to UV exposure. In the UK, where damp and cold can wreak havoc on wooden structures, metal sheds provide unmatched resilience.
  • Longevity: A well-maintained metal shed can last upwards of 20 years, far exceeding the lifespan of wooden and plastic sheds. This longevity is particularly valuable in the UK, where investing in a shed that withstands the test of time without constant repairs is a significant advantage.

Wooden Sheds: Traditional but Vulnerable

Wooden sheds have a classic appeal and blend well with garden aesthetics, but they come with significant maintenance challenges. According to the Royal Horticultural Society, wooden sheds require regular treatment and care to prevent decay and pest infestations.

  • Susceptible to Rot and Pests: Wood can rot when exposed to moisture, a common issue in the UK's rainy weather. It's also a target for insects like termites and wood-boring beetles. Even with treatments, the risk remains higher compared to metal.
  • High Maintenance: Regular treatments and painting are necessary to maintain their appearance and structural integrity. This means more time and money spent on upkeep, detracting from the initial appeal of their lower cost.

Plastic Sheds: Convenient but Limited

Plastic sheds are easy to assemble and generally low maintenance, but they have their downsides. A study by Consumer Reports highlights that plastic sheds, while initially affordable, can become brittle and degrade over time, especially under fluctuating temperatures.

  • Less Durable: Over time, plastic can become brittle and crack, especially in extreme temperatures. The UK's fluctuating weather can cause plastic to expand and contract, leading to potential cracking and weakening.
  • Limited Strength: They are less secure than metal sheds, which can be a concern for storing valuable items. Their lightweight nature also makes them more susceptible to damage from strong winds, common in certain parts of the UK.


Metal Sheds: Low Effort, High Reward

Metal sheds require minimal maintenance, saving you time and money in the long run. Unlike wooden sheds that need regular treatments and plastic sheds that can degrade over time, metal sheds maintain their structure and appearance with minimal effort. This ease of maintenance makes metal sheds particularly appealing for those who want a hassle-free storage solution. Asgard Storage, a leading supplier of metal sheds, highlights that their sheds require little to no maintenance over their lifespan. Additionally, Asgard sheds feature a 5-point locking system for enhanced security, ensuring your belongings are safe.

  • Easy to Clean: A simple wash with soap and water can keep your metal shed looking new. Unlike wood, there's no need for repainting or regular treatments.
  • No Pest Control Needed: Unlike wood, metal sheds don't attract pests, eliminating the need for chemical treatments. This is particularly beneficial in rural areas where pests can be a significant issue.

Wooden Sheds: Constant Care

Maintaining a wooden shed involves regular treatments to prevent rot and insect damage. While they may look charming and traditional, the continuous upkeep required can become burdensome over time. The necessity for frequent maintenance tasks can detract from the initial appeal of their aesthetic and lower cost.

  • Frequent Painting: Wooden sheds need repainting every few years to protect against weather damage. This not only involves cost but also time and effort, which can be a hassle for busy homeowners.
  • Pest Control: Wood is prone to pest infestations, requiring ongoing vigilance and treatments. In the UK, where woodlice, beetles, and other pests are common, this can be a continuous challenge.

Plastic Sheds: Minimal Maintenance, Maximum Issues

Plastic sheds need little upkeep but come with their own set of problems. While they might seem like a low-maintenance option at first glance, the long-term issues associated with plastic can undermine their initial convenience. Over time, plastic sheds can show wear and tear, which impacts their appearance and functionality.

  • Cleaning: They are easy to clean but can stain and fade over time. Exposure to the sun can cause discolouration, and the accumulation of algae and moss can be an issue in damp climates like the UK.
  • Structural Integrity: Over time, plastic can degrade, requiring occasional repairs or replacements. This degradation can be accelerated by the UK's weather patterns, making plastic sheds less reliable over time.


Metal Sheds: Value for Money

While metal sheds might have a higher upfront cost, they offer excellent long-term value. The initial investment is offset by the longevity and durability of the shed, leading to savings over time. Their minimal maintenance requirements also mean that you won't be spending extra on upkeep, making metal sheds a cost-effective choice in the long run. Asgard Storage provides high-quality metal sheds that offer an excellent balance of price and performance, ensuring you get the best value for your money.

  • Durability Equals Savings: Their long lifespan means fewer replacements and repairs, translating to cost savings over time. The initial investment is offset by the lack of ongoing maintenance costs.
  • Low Maintenance Costs: Minimal upkeep further reduces overall expenses. Without the need for regular treatments or repairs, metal sheds prove to be economical in the long run.

Wooden Sheds: Short-Term Savings, Long-Term Costs

Wooden sheds might be cheaper initially but can become costly over time. The frequent maintenance required to keep them in good condition can add up, both in terms of money and time. What seems like a bargain at first can quickly turn into a financial drain, making wooden sheds less economical in the long run.

  • Ongoing Maintenance: Frequent treatments, painting, and repairs add up. These ongoing costs can quickly surpass the initial savings on purchase price.
  • Shorter Lifespan: They generally need replacing sooner than metal sheds, leading to higher long-term costs. The need for frequent replacements means more money spent over the years.

Plastic Sheds: Affordable but Temporary

Plastic sheds are often the most affordable but may not provide the best value. Their lower initial cost can be appealing, especially for those on a tight budget. However, the shorter lifespan and potential for damage mean that you might end up spending more on replacements and repairs, making them a less cost-effective option over time.

  • Lower Initial Cost: They are cheaper to buy but might need replacement sooner. The upfront savings can be appealing, but the long-term costs due to replacements can make them less economical.
  • Limited Lifespan: The potential for cracking and UV damage reduces their longevity. In the UK's variable climate, this means plastic sheds may not hold up as well over time, leading to additional costs for repairs or replacements.

Environmental Impact

Metal Sheds: Eco-Friendly Choice

Metal sheds are often made from recyclable materials, making them a more sustainable option. Their production and end-of-life recycling capabilities help reduce their overall environmental footprint. For eco-conscious consumers, choosing a metal shed aligns with a commitment to sustainability and responsible consumption. Asgard Storage ensures that their metal sheds are made from high-quality, recyclable materials, further enhancing their environmental credentials.

  • Recyclability: At the end of their life, metal sheds can be recycled, reducing their environmental footprint. The ability to recycle metal helps conserve resources and reduce waste.
  • Longevity: Their long lifespan means fewer resources are used in replacements. This long-term durability makes metal sheds a more environmentally friendly choice, as they don't need to be replaced as often.

Wooden Sheds: Natural but Resource-Intensive

Wooden sheds are biodegradable but require significant resources to produce and maintain. While they are a natural material, the environmental impact of their production and the chemicals used in their maintenance can be considerable. For those looking to minimise their environmental impact, wooden sheds may not be the best choice.

  • Sustainable Sources: Opting for wood from sustainable sources can mitigate environmental impact. However, not all wooden sheds are made from sustainably sourced wood, which can contribute to deforestation.
  • Maintenance Chemicals: The treatments and paints used can be harmful to the environment. These chemicals can leach into the soil and water, causing environmental harm.

Plastic Sheds: Convenient but Polluting

Plastic sheds are less eco-friendly due to their manufacturing process and disposal issues. The production of plastic involves significant fossil fuel consumption, and plastic waste can persist in the environment for centuries. For those concerned about environmental sustainability, plastic sheds present several challenges.

  • Non-Biodegradable: Plastic takes centuries to decompose, contributing to landfill waste. This long-lasting waste is a significant environmental concern.
  • Production Impact: The production of plastic sheds involves significant fossil fuel consumption and emissions. The manufacturing process of plastic is resource-intensive and contributes to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.


Metal sheds are durable, low-maintenance, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly, making them the superior choice for garden storage. While wooden and plastic sheds have their merits, they fall short in comparison to the long-term benefits offered by metal sheds. By evaluating the key aspects of durability, maintenance, cost-effectiveness, and environmental impact, it's clear that metal sheds provide the best value and performance.

By choosing a metal shed, you're investing in a long-lasting, reliable, and eco-friendly storage solution that will serve you well for years to come. The initial investment pays off through durability, minimal maintenance, and overall cost-effectiveness.