Essential cycling kit
Cycling in Britain
The country has become obsessed with cycling and you want to join in the fun too? No clue where to start? Well there are a few pieces of kit that you'll need to get you started, as well as a bike, essential to keep you safe. Read the full article on cycling kit essentials

Storing your cycling essentials
Once you’ve got your cycling kit, you’ll need somewhere safe to store all of your accessories and bikes safely. Luckily here at Asgard we’ve got your storage solution.
Take a look at our extensive range of bike storage units. We have a selection of sizes available that can hold up to 8 bikes and accessories, so whether its big or small that you need, you’ll find it at Asgard. You can also choose from a selection of styles and colours to meet your storage requirements. All of our metal bike stores are made from the strong weatherproof steel and are supplied with a 10 year warranty.