Olympic Triathlete Non Stanford’s Shed Move
Back in 2022, the Asgard team helped local Olympic Triathlete stars Non Stanford and Aaron Royle safely store their bikes with a Centurion Bike Shed. With Secured by Design Police preferred status, and independently Loss Prevention Certification Board approved, Non and Aaron absolutely loved their secure bike shed - so much that they wanted to move it to their new home!
“The Asgard shed has been a game changer for us. It gives us peace of mind that our bikes and racing equipment are as safe as they can possibly be, whilst also providing us with a practical and functional space that we can use on a daily basis.” - Non Stanford
Bike Shed Move
The Asgard shed installation team went to help Non and Aaron carefully dismantle the metal shed and relocate it to their new property. As the Centurion model uses silicone to ensure it stays weathertight over time, the team tried to keep panels together as much as possible, reducing any potential damage.
“Relocating large Asgard sheds, like the Centurion x6 Bike Shed, comes with its challenges, but we successfully managed it! It was great to visit Non and Aaron again and help out our local stars. Whilst we were there, we did a little bit of shed maintenance, lubricating the locks to ensure it will work smoothly in years to come.” - Stuart Leddy, Asgard Shed Installation Team
“Asgard bike sheds are unique, as we design all our sheds in such a way that they are super secure, but you can take the with you when you move, and thats just what Non did!” - Andy Heath
See Non & Aaron’s 2022 Bike Shed Installation.
See the Centurion Bike Shed x6