Today see’s the launch of a brand-new website for Asgard.
The new website combines a sleek, easy to use design, alongside categories of products that you’ll already be familiar with if you’ve visited the Asgard site before.
Some of the feedback Asgard has received about the previous site, reported that it was too cluttered. You’ll now find the design incorporates plenty of space, so you can perfectly view Asgard’s range of storage solutions.
Crisp images, thorough product descriptions that have easy to read text, and an improved user interface, all contribute towards a much better user experience.
UX (user experience) was at the heart of the redesign and Asgard aim to show their customers that they have really listened to them when they see the brand-new design.
Look around the new Asgard site; you’ll see many familiar pages, categories and products, with a much-improved usability.