Most Chaotic Bike Race Ever!

Bike News, Social, Blog  | By Asgard


When you think about riding a bike or racing, you may not instantly think BMX or Mountain Biking, so chances are you’re even less likely to think about racing down a snow covered mountain at high speeds on ice, rocks, sand and snow. Well at the Alpe d’Huez you would be able to stumble across such a race.

The race is Megavalanche.

Known as the longest downhill race in the world, Megavalanche features 1,400 racers from 20 countries and a total of over 4,000 downhill meters across the entire competition. The words chaos or carnage doesn’t quite do this race justice. In 2011 a racer recorded his race and recorded some major and very common crashes and collisions, including one within the first 10 meters.

Have a look at the video and tell us what you think over on our twitter page @shedforce


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