Cycling's Most Bizarre

Bike News, Social, Blog  | By Asgard

The internet has been supplying us with some of the most bizarre and unthinkable bike crimes and has particularly highlighted the stupidity of those committing the crime.

Firstly, were staying closer to home, Somerset to be precise. Around the end of April this year around 5 bikes were stolen, totalling a value of around £10,000. The burglars broke into the victims shed and vanished with the bikes. Seeking police advice, the victims were advised by the local police to go online and try and find their bikes. This is a practice which is greatly encouraged.

Inspector Mark Nicholson said: “ Victims are encouraged to look online as they are able to identify their own property better”.

So the victims began their internet search, and it didn’t take long for something to pop up. Whist searching the website Gumtree they found one of their stolen bikes being sold for around £900, and soon after they found a second of theirs up for sale. The advertisement featured contact details of the burglar, which were handed into the police, who took action. A 35 year old man is now due to face the courts and will be sentenced for Burglary (non-dwelling).

So let’s re-cap, he steals the bikes only to give the world his information not thinking the owners of the bikes might check their local gum tree adverts. Genius.

Another bizarre news story actually went viral on the internet and trended on many websites. This crime however was of a more malicious nature and took place in South Africa. A man went about his daily cycle until things took a drastic turn for the worst. Halfway through his route, he was confronted with men armed with guns and knives demanding him to hand over his bike and personal belongings.

So what makes this so bizarre you might ask? Well, the victim was wearing a GoPro on his helmet. Go Pro cameras are not concealed and are really noticeable even if you get up close. During their heist, the criminals looked into the HD camera on multiple occasions and can be fully identified. The video was posted to YouTube and the world watched in amazement. For those of you who haven’t seen the video, here it is;

We are unaware as to whether or not the men have been apprehended, but what we do know is that they are winning contenders for the idiots of the year award.

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Shocking content is common on the internet now. But when it comes to criminals, stupidity is become an increasingly common trait.

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