Andy Heath - Asgard' Storage Marketing Manager

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Andrew Heath Marketing Manager

Andy Heath has been the Asgard and Flexiform Marketing Manager for many years. We caught up with Andy to find out what’s happening in the world of sheds.


How are things?


Very busy right now; our customers love the products and the level of service we offer; they literally shower us with praise and recommend us to their friends all the time. The result is everyone seems to want an Asgard shed at the moment.


What is the most important part of Asgards Success?


The brand strength is most definitely the reason for Asgards success. We’re known for high quality, secure products, designed and built here in Yorkshire.  It’s taken several years to build up that reputation and it’s not been easy to maintain this high level of quality, but credit has to go to our manufacturing team. They really are on the ball in terms of quality control. Not much slips past their eyes.  So, as I said, the customers just recommend us to everyone they know, and it makes my life so much easier. Of course, a recommendation from a customer is priceless.


All sheds come out of West Yorkshire?


Yes, every Asgard has been designed here in Bradford by our Design Engineers. The guys have around 300 years combined experience of Metal work design, and manufacturing between them, so there’s nothing they don’t know about making metal sheds.  It’s amazing what they can do!

Every single shed is made by us to order. Doing it this way is a conscious decision; it really is the only way to keep a close eye on quality and maintain our high standards. As I said, our reputation is built on quality and secure steel storage.  


Are your sheds pretty good then?


Yes, I think the best metal storage sheds on the market.  I am a confident enough to make that statement because our customers regularly tell us so, in their reviews, emails and phone calls.  We’ve had a few well-known cyclists using our sheds recently. If they are good enough for the best athletes in the country, you know there’s something special in the quality of the unit.


Famous cyclists?


Yes, we have had a few professional athletes using Asgard sheds. These include Elinor Barker, Helen Scott and Laura & Jason Trott (Kenny). They are all top flight Olympic Medallists, and now they can add to their collection of precious metals, with a gold standard Asgard metal shed.


How did you find dealing with the pros?


Great, as a cyclist myself it was great chatting with the best the country has ever produced. Hearing about their training schedules and dedication was a wakeup call. My fitness has suffered somewhat in recent years, and talking to these athletes has inspired me to push on and regain a good standard of fitness again.


We actually redesigned our large bike shed for Elinor Barker, so she could hang her spare bike frames, and as well as this we installed stands for her everyday bikes. This has now become a standard product for us.  

Most of the Asgard product line has evolved over the years from customer comments and advice. Customers who use our products every day are our best critics.  We have a few other famous customers waiting in the wings for the end of the year.


What’s on the cards for Asgard now?


A new paint plant is the big news for us, as we can increase production and maintain the quality that will really change the way we manufacture our products. We’re also overhauling our entire logistics side of the business and really making progress in 2017.

A few new Asgard products have hit the market this year. Our new bike hanger is designed to fit within a standard UK parking space and is able to store 9 bikes in residential areas.  Our hangers are designed for commuters to store bikes at home, cycle to their destination and lock up their bike again in another bike hanger at the destination.  

We’ve also launched the Garage Guardian an over bonnet storage box.  A storage unit that sits above your car in a garage, making use of the dead space for items that would normally be in the garden shed.  There are a few other interesting products in the pipeline also….. it’s looking like a busy second half of the year.

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